2011. november 27., vasárnap

Mistakes and errors

I think a blog entry does not only function as coding my experience on the world, but sharing ideas, too. However, there is one thing that bothers me; my own mistakes and errors in texts written by myself. That may sound strange, but I really feel that it is true.

After having revised my entries at least three times I do find typing and spelling slips or other mistakes of any sort. Then, after the fourth revision, my post are finally published. Sooner or later there come some comments. I always reread my entries before replying to any comment. Then I leave my response. On the other hand, I get also some feedback from a professor. The professor leaves a comment that my texts are full of misspelled words and some improper use of words or phrases.

I revise those texts right away and I am astonished that I spell many words wrongly.  Why on Earth don't I find these mistakes (sometimes these are erronous) after the first read? Am I blind? Not. I am not. I always make every effort to make those entries as good as possible. I revise them many times even after someone leaves a comment.

It is so true that the biggest challange means the identification of my own mistakes. The recognition of mistakes and errors of others is easier. I try to do my best to correct all the issues highlighted by professors, of course.

I have read the whole text twice. I hope that readers will not find many issues in this text. 
Now I publish my entry...

2011. november 21., hétfő

'No, ZTE is impossible, it must be a joke...'

My dad has long been looking for a smartphone with which he is able to surf the wireless internet, watch online videos and take excellent high resolution photos and videos. He wished there had been such a decent phone at solid price. Here that has come!!

He could not wait until Sunday when ZTE Skate smartphone was finally available with various T-mobile subscriptions. Yes, it is ZTE. At first sight he thought it was a joke. ZTE was a Hungarian football team. After having browsed the phone online and looked up its specs the brandname got clarified. It really was ZTE. The company originated from China that fabricated cool phones at an affordable price.

So he bought the phone with significant discount regarding that he had already had a subscription at T-mobile. He came home triumphantly and introduced his new device. I was glad that this gadget made him so happy. He tried all the functions and applications and also downloaded some new ones.

His satisfaction is maximum as the device provides what he really needs. Our technology in 2011 is so developed that a manufacturer can sell excellent phones for 150€. I think prices will get even lower as technology is an ever-developing wheel. 

2011. november 13., vasárnap

The city is under threat

It is really confusing and worrisome in 2011 that criminals can easily put a whole city under threat. The downtown shopping-center and many other buildings (the building of the regional department of taxation and the court) were evacuated a couple of days ago when somebody made a menacing phone call that all these official places would be exploded.

The caller demanded the local authorities to release two people who had long been under investigation by the police. Evidently, city dwellers got immadiately frightened. Istantly, everyone thought of friends, family members or colleagues who may have been there either shopping or working.

The local police department started off the investigation right away involving the Hungarian secret service to identify the caller. A few hours later a Ucranian man was said to be arrested as a suspect, but later the police led him off claiming that he was just a witness. The whole city started to worry about the situation.

Yesterday night someone called the police that a different part of city would be exploded. Today at noon, another threating call was made. The letter promised explosion in the shopping-center again.

It is more than worrisome. The police has not spotted anybody as a suspect yet, according to their spokesman. Or do they have somebody in target? Are they just trying to mislead criminals and to authentify their investigation? Probably. We do not know. Neither we know when they will strike again.

2011. november 6., vasárnap

'All your things onto the hood, please!'

As the fall break is near its end my friends return to Pécs after having enjoyed some reaxing and sunny autumn days. When Gyula called me to say that he was sitting on the train near Szentlőrinc and told me to visit them at night. I said yes immediately, I had not played poker with them for a long time.

So I got to their flat yesterday night with  a smile on the face that we were going to have a great poker party. I arrived at their flat and we started the game. I got lucky really. I had a huge straight draw (8, 9, J, Q)and I bet on the flop. The turncard (10) was bingo!! I got my straight in the first hand. The time was running and I felt tired so others did. So I came home.

While coming home  I experienced something that took the smile off from my face. Two police officers in a cop car spotted at me with a flashlight and they asked me to get closer to the car. Cops got out of the car and said 'all your things onto the hood, please!'. I felt strange. I thought it would be a usual check at late night but I was somehow bothered by hearing those instructions. I asked them what that was all about. After I put everything onto the hood of the car, one of them said it was the usual check.

Yes. In order to maintain public safety it is necessary to check people randomly on the street by ID and all other things on us. I understood the measure as it was the responsibility of cops to do. They said there were lots of thefts in the previous weeks. After that I now feel a bit better that cops have the right to make you empty your pocket and bag (cops' rights are very restricted in Hungary, unfortunately). At first, it seemed unaccostumed but after having considered the situation twice the smile got back on face.