2011. november 27., vasárnap

Mistakes and errors

I think a blog entry does not only function as coding my experience on the world, but sharing ideas, too. However, there is one thing that bothers me; my own mistakes and errors in texts written by myself. That may sound strange, but I really feel that it is true.

After having revised my entries at least three times I do find typing and spelling slips or other mistakes of any sort. Then, after the fourth revision, my post are finally published. Sooner or later there come some comments. I always reread my entries before replying to any comment. Then I leave my response. On the other hand, I get also some feedback from a professor. The professor leaves a comment that my texts are full of misspelled words and some improper use of words or phrases.

I revise those texts right away and I am astonished that I spell many words wrongly.  Why on Earth don't I find these mistakes (sometimes these are erronous) after the first read? Am I blind? Not. I am not. I always make every effort to make those entries as good as possible. I revise them many times even after someone leaves a comment.

It is so true that the biggest challange means the identification of my own mistakes. The recognition of mistakes and errors of others is easier. I try to do my best to correct all the issues highlighted by professors, of course.

I have read the whole text twice. I hope that readers will not find many issues in this text. 
Now I publish my entry...

2 megjegyzés:

  1. You are not alone with this problem. The more times you read you text, the less likely it is that you will find errors - everyone has experienced that. Asking a friend to proofread the texts, that's the best thing to do. Anyway, after the first reading no misspelled word caught my eye in this text. This is good because if there was anything serious, I would have noticed it immediately. Joy! :)

  2. Just like Kolin says, take your time and revise and edit your work, because the quality of your writing depends on it, as you noticed by yourself too :)
