2011. november 13., vasárnap

The city is under threat

It is really confusing and worrisome in 2011 that criminals can easily put a whole city under threat. The downtown shopping-center and many other buildings (the building of the regional department of taxation and the court) were evacuated a couple of days ago when somebody made a menacing phone call that all these official places would be exploded.

The caller demanded the local authorities to release two people who had long been under investigation by the police. Evidently, city dwellers got immadiately frightened. Istantly, everyone thought of friends, family members or colleagues who may have been there either shopping or working.

The local police department started off the investigation right away involving the Hungarian secret service to identify the caller. A few hours later a Ucranian man was said to be arrested as a suspect, but later the police led him off claiming that he was just a witness. The whole city started to worry about the situation.

Yesterday night someone called the police that a different part of city would be exploded. Today at noon, another threating call was made. The letter promised explosion in the shopping-center again.

It is more than worrisome. The police has not spotted anybody as a suspect yet, according to their spokesman. Or do they have somebody in target? Are they just trying to mislead criminals and to authentify their investigation? Probably. We do not know. Neither we know when they will strike again.

3 megjegyzés:

  1. Don't worry, these are just empty threatening...

  2. So where were you during the bomb scare? In Árkád? What was it like first-hand?

  3. I was sitting in the department library and I read the news on BAMA website.
