2011. október 16., vasárnap

Beer or Wine?

Many of us consume beer when getting involved in a really good conversation with friends just to make those meetings better and 'give great atmosphere' to the company gathered together. Also, we tend to have a cup of excellent wine for a good start. Why is the case as it is?

This question has raised my interest for a long time. I do meet my friends on a regular basis really at least twice or three times a week. These occasions are usually held in the flat of one of our mates from the faculty of law. He really loves these nights when friends are all there to spend a great time together. Okay, but we always start with a kind of drink. At one time with beer and with wine at the other.

I have done a tiny research on the subject. I made observations on drinks we have had considering the whole night. I have found that we start with beer if the occasion is organized for only conversation. Throughout the night we talk about some usual university matters or some personal issues. My research has also showed that the night might begin with a basic question 'white or red?'. Yesss, at this time we open one or more bottles of wines. Since I love cooking some parties are made as 'cooking nights' when I am assigned to be the chef (they say I can cook really well). My point here is that we have a great meal and wines may trigger or intense our hunger if consumed prior to the food.

It is also proven by scientists that wines contain fruit acids and aromas (you have to buy real wine, obviously) which are axcellent sources of make you hungry. On the other hand, beer is a (perfect) drink containing carbon-dioxide, carbohydrates and, consequently,  immense of calories. So to say, beer can make you feel full and no tough meal is desired (of course it is the general conception, but it may vary individually).

Either we started with beer or wine according to the occasion the parties were just perfect.

1 megjegyzés:

  1. I like them both! It just depends on my mood and the company! And last but not least what we have at home :)
