2011. október 9., vasárnap

No more flag poles

Since I am a bike addict (seriously), lots of entries here (will) concern my experience and thoughts on cycling. About 5 weeks ago, I experienced the following that was written on the same day on my professional writing session.
'Today morning I got to the university by my bike. Just as usual, I tried to find a place where I could leave it. At 7.41am, there was a very surprising sight: the bike parking-lot was full already. OMG, where will I leave my bike? To tell the truth, it was not too surprising. All the channels of media continuously report the newest trends and statistics on the number cyclists using bikes for daily commuting. But, are really there that much? Yes. Even more. Since fuel prices are extremely inflated an alternative solution must have been found. 

Beyond the uni entrance students and teachers leave their bikes fixed to flagpoles, trees and fence. Doesn’t sound too good, does it? These objects are not for cyclists to fix their bikes to. There are some countries where cycling culture has different dimensions than here. Those countries have developed in this aspect. Cyclists can easily find lots around the city. Just see an example: in Amsterdam or Utrecht a biker is more likely to find parking lot than a car driver. There really is possibility to find ‘P’. Well, ‘P’ is really a P. The name comes from the shape of this tool that is excellent to fix the frame of the bike and the wheel (at least the front wheel). On the other hand, car drivers sometimes give up. Car parking lots are different to be found even early morning. Bikes and bike users seem to be superior to cars. 

A few years ago around in 2000 you said that cycling culture would never grow up here. Well, it has already started actually. Bikes are becoming fully accepted vehicles in traffic! A cyclist must equip the bike with the mandatory and recommended gadgets including lamps and bell. Also, the condition of the bike is also important. I am happy to see these facts. More and more people realize that a bike would be a solution against fuel prices. A bike would be investment that is fruitful sooner or later. 

As the government builds bike routes and makes serious regulations on bikes it seems that Hungary has found its way to become a cycling paradise as the countries mentioned. Hopefully, Hungary will be.'

1 megjegyzés:

  1. Interesting thought. Great post.

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